Running an Escapade Blood Drive

DOVES ran Red Cross Blood Drives at the 50th anniversary Escapade (in Goshen, IN) and continues to do so at all of the following Escapades.

The steps taken each year are as follows:

1. Designate a project coordinator.   This should be completed not less than 7 months ahead of the event.

2. Find the RC Blood Services office for the intended location. Track down the Red Cross Blood Services office that covers the location for the drive.

3. Determine the resources needed. Ideally, the blood drive will take place inside a building with adequate space or a Red Cross Bloodmobile.

4. Contact the event organizer, requesting permission to hold the blood drive.

5. Review the resources with Blood Services and the Escapade organizers.

6. Determine and plan for DOVE supplied resources. DOVES will be need to be on hand during the Escapade registration and during the blood drive to welcome appointments and walk-ins.   Consider borrowing a Red Cross Logo 10’x10′ EZ-Up shelter to place outside the bloodmobile, for further DOVE/RC visibility.

7. Promote the Blood Drive. Blood Services will provide appointment sign up sheets, a web site to manage sign-ups, and posters to promote the blood drive on site. The DOVE manage will handle the sign up sheets. Notify all DOVES about 30 days before the Escapade inviting them to sign up to give blood during the event. To include blood drive info in the Escapade web sites provide blood drive info 5 months before the event. To show up in the Escapade newsletters that started about 60 days before the event, a news release needs to be delivered at least 90 days before the event.

8. At the Escapade.

  • In coordination with the Fairgrounds office, orange cones should placed to prevent parking there on the day of the drive.
  • Blood drive posters should be placed prior to the beginning of parking and registration for early arrivals . Arrange for announcements during the opening session and the evening announcements prior to the drive.
  • DOVE staff with appointment sheets should be available at the Blood Drive registration table during all the Escapade registration periods.
  • DOVE volunteers help at the welcome table.
  • Bloodmobile arrives and parked (In case the blood drive is held inside a building, Blood Services staff will arrive early to set up donor areas as needed)
  • Welcome donors for appointments, handle walk-ins as appropriate. If appointments are not full, schedule walk-ins at an open time later in the day.
  • After the last donor, fold and store EZ-UP, return tables and chairs. Profusely thank the Blood Services staff for their efforts.
  • Arrange for an announcement during the evening session to report how many pints of blood were collected, thanking the Escapees for their donation, and make sure DOVES is acknowledged for their efforts.

9. After the drive. Suggested to post a sign in the ROW booth indicating how much blood was collected.