Disaster Operations Volunteer Escapees, Revised 7/27/16


Section 1.
The name of the BOF shall be Disaster Operations Volunteer Escapees, abbreviated Doves.

Section 2.
The area of interest is loosely defined as providing for the recruitment, training and utilization of Escapee RV Volunteers
in Disaster Relief Operations.

Section 3.
The BOF records shall be kept in duplicate, with one copy in the possession of the treasurer or membership chairperson, and one copy sent to the Certified BOF Directors of the Escapees RV Club.


This BOF was certified in October of 2001 for the purpose of providing a framework for members of the Escapees RV Club to train for and participate in disaster relief efforts and to make new
friends through organized rallies and other announced social activities.


Membership in this BOF is open to all current members of the Escapees RV Club. Additional requirements for membership may be defined in the standing rules.


Section 1.
A minimum of four elected officers of this BOF shall be a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, or other officers that may be specified in the standing rules. These officers shall constitute the executive board.

Section 2.
The term of office for each elected officer shall be from one Escapade until the next. Officers may serve more than one term.

Section 3.
Duties of officers are described in the BOF Officers Handbook from national headquarters.


Section 1.
Conducting the business of this BOF shall be in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order when such rules are not in conflict with the bylaws or specific directives from the Escapees Club.

Section 2.
A quorum of 10 members, including one elected officer, shall be required for conducting the business of the BOF at meetings. A majority vote of members present is required.

Section 3.
A meeting should be held at least once a year with a quorum present; however, with current Escapades scheduling, some flexibility may be necessary. Additional official meetings may be called. All members shall be notified in writing as to date, place, and time of all meetings. Such notification requirement will be satisfied by any mailing (hard or e-mail version) at least 30 days prior to the event, including, but not limited to, the DOVE Website or DOVE Forum and/or the Escapees magazine.

Section 4.
Accurate minutes must be kept of business conducted at all meetings. Minutes will be the only legal record of all meetings. Votes at all meetings will be recorded and at the board meetings votes are to be recorded by name. Voting may also be allowed by electronic means.


Section 1.
The officers shall be elected at the Annual Escapade meeting.

Section 2.
Nominations: A nominating committee shall be appointed by the president at least 2 months prior to the month of the election. The nominating committee shall obtain at least one nominee for each office. Other members may mail or e-mail in nominations for any office. All nominees must give written or verbal consent to be considered.
Exception: Additional nominations, with verbal consent, may be taken from the floor of a regular meeting.

Section 3.
Voting shall be by electronic or written ballot, show of hand or acclamation. A majority of votes cast is required to elect each officer. Each member family shall have one vote.

Section 4.
The new officers will assume their respective duties following the election and will assist past officers completing necessary forms and reports connected with the current Escapade and the DOVE meeting.


The BOF dues will be no more than $20.00 annually and will be due on the first of January each year. Any member whose dues are not paid by February shall be dropped from the BOF rolls. DOVE BOF Members must also be members of Escapees. One Escapee number family membership equals one dues and one vote. The amount of dues shall be set forth in the standing rules.


In the event that any required action cannot be completed as set forth in these bylaws, the executive board may take emergency action for the benefit of the BOF. Such emergency action must then be submitted to the membership at the next BOF business meeting for ratification.


Proposed amendments and/or revisions must be approved in writing by an appropriate Escapees RV Club representative prior to being submitted for membership vote. All members must be notified of any proposed amendment/s and furnished with a ballot to be returned. Approval of two-thirds of the ballots received is required for an amendment to carry.


The BOF may adopt a set of standing rules to cover activities and/or situations not specified in the bylaws. These standing rules may not be in conflict with, or supercede, the bylaws. These standing rules may be adopted, amended, revised, or repealed at any publicized meeting upon approval of two thirds of the members present.


Each officer and committee member, while serving as such, shall be indemnified against any and all claims and liabilities to which he or she may be subjected because of service, or by reason of any act or omission alleged to have been committed by such officer or committee member, unless such
act is the result of a willful or grossly negligent act or omission on the part
of said officer or committee member.


Any Officer, rally host, committee member, member, or guest who is handling any type of funds for the BOF shall keep an accurate account of such funds, with a written balance accounting to the treasurer in an expeditious manner.


In the event of the dissolution of this BOF, all obligations shall be paid and any remaining assets shall be sent to the Escapees RV Club. Escapees, Inc shall not be liable for any debts incurred by the BOF.

Standing Rules

Disaster Operations Volunteer Escapees BOF, 4/10/03

1. The elected officers of the DOVE BOF shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. These four positions plus the immediate Past President (or other such person appointed by the elected officers should the immediate Past President not be available to serve,) shall constitute the Board of Directors. Other necessary appointed officers/chairpersons may include but not be limited to Membership Chairperson, Training Director, Deployment Director, Communications Director, Webmaster, Voice Mail Box Coordinator, Amateur Radio Coordinator, Wagon master, Rally Host, Newsletter Editor, Historian, and others as deemed appropriate.

2. All elected officers shall serve in the position for which elected until the next election. Other appointed officers and chairpersons serve at the pleasure of the executive board. Officer elections may be held at another event, such as a training rally, provided that the membership is notified in advance according to the bylaws. There shall be no more than one elected officer from an Escapee number family, with the exception that both members can jointly hold one elected officer position.

3. The duties of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer and Membership Chairperson shall be as specified in the current BOF officer’s handbooks supplied by the Escapee Certified BOF Directors. The President will also be responsible for communications with the American Red Cross for all policy and plans coordination. The Fiscal Year for the BOF shall be from January 1 through December 31.(Revised by membership vote 8/2014)

4. No BOF rally shall be scheduled to conflict with any National function such as the Escapade, if such function is within 1000 air miles of the National event.

5. While membership in the BOF is limited to Escapees, some outsiders may take part in the training due to the nature of the ARC sponsored training events.

6. Dues shall be $10 per year for one Escapee member number. Multiple year renewals are acceptable. Only currently paid members are eligible to vote or hold office.

7. An Historian may be appointed by the President and shall maintain a picture album and other such records as appropriate.

8. A Wagon Master /Rally Host(s) may be appointed by the Vice President and shall perform the tasks listed in the Wagon Master Handbook.

9. No smoking shall be permitted inside any room used for a BOF function.

10. The official logo(s) of the BOF shall be as approved by the Executive Board. Such logo(s) may be used on an item offered for resale only with the prior approval of the Executive Board.

11. Miscellaneous:
a. The President shall make all reasonable efforts to have a BOF member attend each National Event as a representative of the BOF for parking on “The Row”. The elected officers are encouraged to volunteer for this position
b. The treasurer shall reimburse the BOF representative for the National Event registration fee in an amount to be designated by the executive board.
c. The treasurer shall advance the actual cost of favors and/or refreshments for distribution by BOF representatives at the events except that this may not exceed $50.00 per event.
d. Funding for this shall be made available by the treasurer and approved by the President from the BOF Treasury.
e. When insurance is needed for a rally/event, contact Angie Carr at National Headquarters in Livingston, TX phone (888) 757-2582

12. Voted on and accepted by vote of the members on May 27, 2009. Various changes to the Bylaws and Standing Rules voted on and accepted by a vote of the members on July 27, 2016.