How do you deal with being the "first DOVE" arriving at a disaster assignment and securing an RV site?

I will tell you how I "CC" deal with this question. When Don and I arrive at a headquarters, we immediately go to the Logistics In-Kind person and ask them if they will make arrangements for donated RV spots as there will be Doves coming in to work the disaster.  So far, the In-Kind person has been very accommodating and worked well with local RV Parks for spots. We have had some spots donated and some reduced rate spots everywhere we have been. If they are able to get some spots, then I let staffing know so they can let the other Doves who come in know where they can park.

Now, In-Kind is not obligated to do this, but they are experienced in getting things donated. If they will not do this, then we borrow their local phone book, copy the pages for the RV parks and make my own arrangements for the Doves.  I would suggest being pro-active in finding a spot.

If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to let me know.

Don and CC Ramsey